Wednesday, June 3, 2009


We recently got a shed that we are making into a potting shed/koi pond supply shed. Last night I began landscaping around the shed and I had loved every moment of it. This is one of my favorite things to do in the world. I love the look of a freshly planted garden. Fresh dirt, weed free garden~what more could a gal ask for? Maybe for it to stay that way- FOREVER! (lol).

As I was planting I was reminded how much gardening is like our faith journey. Once we are saved, we are fresh, new, weed-free and ready to grow and flourish. However, if we leave our faith unattended we start to notice little weeds invading our freshly planted garden. Doubt and fear start to choke out trust and faith. Before we know it- we can't even see the gardens beauty just looks like a bed of thistles and overgrown ivy. If we don't spend time daily in the garden and tend to the weeds before we know it- the job becomes too overwhelming.

How true this is for me in regards to my faith journey. I become overwhelmed some days, too busy to take the time for weed prevention (spending time in God's Word). Before I know it- I feel ugly, useless, and fearful...and the list goes on.

But isn't it funny how one little verse can pull a stem of fear, a thistle of anxiety and turn it into a glimpse of hope and joy? He is the best gardener of all time and I long to be just like Him.


KEE said...

Beautiful post. I haven't thought about it like that in quite a while, it really brings things into perspective and makes me realize my relationship with God has to be tended to on a regular basis just like marriage or any other relationship.

I have a lot of "weeding" that I need to do right now to be quite honest and it may take a while but I'll get there.

Thanks for the great post.

Lyla Lindquist said...

...pull a stem of fear, a thistle of anxiety and turn it into a glimpse of hope and joy...

Beautiful stuff there. Sometimes He's pulling those stems and thistles right out of our tender places, and it hurts. Seeing that glimpse of hope and joy is everything.

Lyla Lindquist said...

...pull a stem of fear, a thistle of anxiety and turn it into a glimpse of hope and joy...

Beautiful stuff there. Sometimes He's pulling those stems and thistles right out of our tender places, and it hurts. Seeing that glimpse of hope and joy is everything.

Kee said...

Beautiful post. I haven't thought about it like that in quite a while, it really brings things into perspective and makes me realize my relationship with God has to be tended to on a regular basis just like marriage or any other relationship.

I have a lot of "weeding" that I need to do right now to be quite honest and it may take a while but I'll get there.

Thanks for the great post.