Monday, December 7, 2009

A shoulder to lean on...

I read this little tidbit from Patsy Clairmont today:

"I can imagine Elizabeth, soon-to-be mom of John the baptist, drawing Mary, soon-to-be mother of Jesus, onto her aging shoulder. Two women, the old and the young, embracing in mutual identification. Two women seeking solace in each others company. Two women honorably connecting to one another. Sisters of divine circumstance shouldering the future of humanity."
I cannot imagine the fear and the uncertainty that they faced alone. But God was so good to them by giving them each other to help each other through a scary and uncertain time. God was good then.....and He still is. He still places people in our paths to help us through rough patches.
Thank you, Lord.


Jennifer @ said...

How right you are. He does put those people in our paths, right when we need them.

And I know that I am always so grateful when a woman from the generation before me is there to lead me and guide me.

Jennifer @ Getting Down With J said...

How right you are. He does put those people in our paths, right when we need them.

And I know that I am always so grateful when a woman from the generation before me is there to lead me and guide me.