Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Savor the Autumn

Evening comes early lately and I feel like my internal clock is beckoning me to slow down and savor every moment of this autumn love. To store it up for those winter months that are cold and chilly. Savor nights by the campfire soaking in the warmth, while inhaling the crisp air around me. Watching the sun set across the field out back and wondering how much more beautiful heaven will be. Perhaps he offers this free preview to keep my eyes on Him. Just a smidge of heaven on earth, right here, right now meeting me in my own back yard.

Its funny how these changes in the seasons can bring about a soul change. A stirring under the surface. The ripples that come from me stepping forward into an abyss that I fully don't understand. The ripples of change surround me and I find myself feeling a little twisted on the inside. Missing the routine and what used to be, I stand still. I want to go back. Knowing in my heart that that is not where He wants me right now. He bids me to wait. He asks me to trust, and so I will savor this Autumn...on the outside and the inside.


Jennifer @ JenniferDukesLee.com said...

Our autumn has provided so many opportunities for this savoring, too. It's been one of the most beautiful autumns I can remember.

Yours, too?

Julie said...


Thanks for stopping by! Yes, its been a beautiful fall so far...just taking it all in as he works his "magic" in me.


Jennifer said...

So beautiful--it's in the transition periods I feel him working so much in me, too, maybe because I'm in tune with His creation more since I'm focused on it. We've had a fabulous autumn down south--I can't remember the last one we've had that was so perfect.