Monday, September 14, 2009

Out of My Hands

There is a parable of a rich young man who comes to Jesus asking what he must do to get eternal life.

Jesus' answer was simple and to the point. "Obey my commandments".

I snicker at this mans response..."Well which ones?"

My response to the rich young man would probably have been a little more sarcastic than Jesus' response.... I would've said something like..."Try ALL OF THEM, Buddy!"

But Jesus was calm, cool and collected and listed them out for Him. Of course, the rich young man said that He already upholds all those commandments so, why does he still lack?

Jesus then goes on to explain that if he wants to be perfect he should go and sell all his possessions and give them to the poor and then he should go and follow him. When the young man heard this he lowered his head and walked away. His valuables were too "valuable" to him.

His disciples were astonished at this and then kept asking him "Well then who can be saved? And what will we be left with?"

And Jesus in his infinite wisdom says the most beautiful words I have ever heard...

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!"

Beautiful words that I needed to hear at just the right just the right moment.

Lately I have been lacking. Worried and consumed with thoughts that I am not where I should be in my walk with my Savior. I have been trying to do it on my own and not letting God lead. Trying in my own strength and not giving it over to Him and allowing Him to strengthen me. He lead me to this passage and it was here that I realized that no matter how much I try I will never be worthy of all that he offers me. Much like this young man- nothing I ever do will be enough. Nothing I can ever do or be can change what He wants for me. He has already done it all.

And now when I am still I hear Him whisper so quietly to my soul...

"Take it out of your hands and place it into mine....."

And I say "Thank you, Jesus!"


Jennifer @ said...

"Nothing I ever do will be enough."

Amen, sister.

And everything He did, on that cross? More than enough.

Incredible, really.

Lyla Lindquist said...

I have a friend whose mantra is "Jesus is enough." I'd like to make that mine, but I'm so prone to live more like "Jesus plus."

Great post. Keep letting Him have it. (I'm telling that to me, too.)

Jennifer said...

Isn't that wonderful news that Jesus is enough! How grateful I am because I lack anything to give that measures in the same universe as his death on the cross.

KEE said...

Great post and reminder. If we all could wake up knowing this first thing in the morning and going to be knwoing this oh how our lives would change.

Lyla Lindquist said...

I have a friend whose mantra is "Jesus is enough." I'd like to make that mine, but I'm so prone to live more like "Jesus plus."

Great post. Keep letting Him have it. (I'm telling that to me, too.)