Sunday, March 29, 2009


I love Spring! I love the smell, the sights and the sounds of it. I love how after a long season of cold, damp weather everything around springs to life once again. Making all things new. Everything that has died off has regained new life and vibrancy. I have started some seeds of some of the perennials that I want to plant in a new flower bed that I am creating and I have been so excited over the sprouts that I think my hubby is ready to send me to the loony bin. I must look at them dozens of times a day....just to see their progress. I love the thought of how one tiny dried up seed can sprout fresh and new with a little nurturing and water. God does the same thing to me. Just when I think I am all dried up he waters me and nurtures me with his love and I feel like a new person all over again. I sprout forth with new energy and new life that I want to pass on.

This week was a hard one. My sister was rushed to the hospital with abdominal pain and she ended up needing emergency surgery to remove a cyst that had cut off the blood supply to her right ovary. Thank God- she came through everything ok -she is a little sore but she is feeling much better. We just wait now to make sure the biopsy is clean of cancer. I am strong when a crisis hits -its the after effects that aren't so pretty. So the day after she was sent home from the hospital I spent on an emotional roller coaster. Complete with what-if thinking and worry...neither one solve the problem of course...just end up making things worse. It is in these seasons that I end up feeling dried up. But today he showered me with his love and I am feeling better and better each minute knowing he is in control. Once again- he met me in my winter season and is showing me his love anew. Yes, its springtime alright...not just outside.....but also in my heart!!!
