Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sweet Words # 29

I have a confession to make.

I have a hard time some days making sense of my heavenly Fathers words to me. I read verses that just seem to go over my head and make my mind spin. Sometimes I feel like his words aren't even for me.....they are for everyone else but me. I mean, how could he love me and want the best for me? He, above anyone at all, knows all my faults and insecurities, so how could he love me that much?

I get sidetracked way too easily lately. I sit down to read my bible and my mind goes crazy. Stirring with all the things I need to do or should be doing instead of sitting still. It always seems that I feel I need to get everything done first and then I will be able to focus on His Word. But what has been happening is I become too tired by the time I get those things done and I end up falling asleep before I even open up the pages of His Word. How embarrassing! After all he has done for me and here I have trouble fitting Him into my hectic life. EEK!

So, Him and I had a one on one conversation last night. It went something like this....

Me: Ok, Lord. I am going to open your book of wisdom and I really need your help. Please let me understand what you want me to get out of it tonight.

HIM: I will show you but will you take it in? Will you listen? Will you seek it earnestly or are you going through the motions?

Me: Ouch!

With that, I turned to Proverbs Chapter 2:1-5. And it became clearer to me than it has ever been...

"My Son, if you accept my words and store up commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding and if you call out for insight and cry loud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as hidden treasure- then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God."

Once again I am amazed at how well he knows my heart. I tend to not apply myself....I just want things to be easy. Here I see that I have to apply my heart and my mind and earnestly seek Him in a new way. I have to "chase" Him if you will, instead of letting Him "chase" after me.

So, today is a new day! A new way to look at Him and His words for you and me. Lets seek after them as if we are searching for hidden treasure~ I know what we will find will be more valuable than gold!

Thank you, Lord, for your word, for your wisdom and your love. It is you that I long to please today and me make you priority # 1. Amen

**Please please please keep Melissa Taylor's mother (Becky Nunn) in your prayers today as she is undergoing surgery. Click here to read more of her story...



Lyla Lindquist said...

Julie, remember those guys, Jesus' most intimate friends? I seem to remember this one time they fell asleep in the garden on the biggest night before the biggest weekend anybody's ever had before or since.

We all fall asleep.

This time with Him you stayed up for though? Sweet indeed. I've prayed these words you and He shared stick for you.

Chase hard.

Danielle said...

I feel like you keep taking my thoughts and posting
It's so good when you know there are other people out there who struggle with the same thing.

Sometimes when I have those kinds of nights, I have to say, "Lord, I'm sorry, but YOU KNOW." Not the best, by any stretch of the means, but He does know!

But, that is also why first thing in the morning is always best for me. Gets me in the right frame of mind for my day.

Sheryl said...

wow, this is fabulous!! you have captured many things that i have thought myself. God really is so great to meet us just where we ask Him to. loved your conversation with Him and "OUCH" is right!

thanks for sharing this.

Sheryl said...

wow, this is fabulous!! you have captured many things that i have thought myself. God really is so great to meet us just where we ask Him to. loved your conversation with Him and "OUCH" is right!

thanks for sharing this.