Friday, July 17, 2009

A Perfect Way to Start the Day

I woke up surrounded in love this morning. The love of two dogs and a cat. Not to mention a hubby that had already rolled out of bed due to lack of room. When I opened my eyes I had a black lab on one side of me and a yellow lab on the other side staring at me with tails waggin'. The cat, well, he of course was curled up by my head purring like crazy in my ear. After saying good mornings, I turned over and reached for my Bible and opened the pages.....

"That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day" 2Timothy 1:12

I must have read over these words many times before, however, they really jumped out at me this morning. What have I entrusted to him for today? What have I been doing each morning? Honestly, I have not been entrusting him with my days. I have been trying to fix, change and handle everything. Now I know why I have been struggling.

So today, a new day. A new way to begin my days from now on. With a little help from my four legged furry children of course........

Lord, today I give you everything. Whatever may come, whatever may not come its okay because you are in control and I am not. Take my worries and hold on to them for me...I trust you with them. Thank you for this great reminder today. Help me hold onto these words all through my days.

#31- Perfect ways to start days


Danielle said...

Girl, you are so loving! If I woke up to my dog in my room, I'd freak.LOL Kidding!

I love that scripture and am so glad you caught a fresh wind from it today!